Journal of Thermal Science雜志投稿須知:Title: Title of the paper should be exact, and not too long.Abstract: Abstract should be about 150-200 words, outline the objective, method, main results and conclusion.Keywords: 3 to 6 keywords or phrases for cross indexing this article.Text: The text should be in WORD format (.doc, not .docx), arranged in double column(only the abstract is in single column), generally the total number of pages (including figures and tables) should be about 8 pages. All figures must not be too large, however, the words in the figure must not be too small. Don’t put all the figures at the end of the text.References: All references should be listed at the end of the text in the order in which they are cited (not alphabeti-cal). References should be cited within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. References should include: name of authors, full title, full name of source (including page numbers), in case of a book, it should mention the name of the publisher and its location (name of city), in case of conference proceedings, it should mention the name of the city where the conference was held, and the year of publication.
Journal of Thermal Science數(shù)據(jù)分析
獨孤*** :
2022-06-18 02:35:14
夏侯*** :
Journal of Thermal Science審稿速度超快,沒有審稿意見。版面費還算便宜的,本來遇見明5月份,我給了加急,于是預(yù)計登12月刊。Journal of Thermal Science服務(wù)水平一流,態(tài)度特別好,錄用后的修改也很細(xì)致。
2022-04-24 10:36:08
黃*** :
Journal of Thermal Science處理速度還是超快的,8月份投的文章,11月2號就錄用了。,編輯部的人都很nice,效率很高,我的總結(jié)就是,編輯部的效率絕對是國內(nèi)數(shù)得上的,關(guān)鍵得看審稿人的效率了,審稿人的效率編輯部沒法控制了,但是編輯部會很積極的和審稿人進行溝通,有了消息會很快反饋給作者.總體來說 Journal of Thermal Science還是很不錯的!
2021-10-18 17:11:03
西門*** :
Journal of Thermal Science編輯老師都挺負(fù)責(zé),審稿專家的意見也和專業(yè)很仔細(xì),按照修改意見修改后感覺論文提升了很多。挺好挺負(fù)責(zé)的期刊,推薦。
2021-09-09 23:36:22
湛*** :
2021-06-15 08:01:58
雷*** :
Journal of Thermal Science雜志很好,非常喜歡這本書,內(nèi)容博古通今,讓人增長見識!是我們身邊默默的課外老師!
2021-02-02 00:22:06
閭丘*** :
2021-01-29 17:23:26
束*** :
Journal of Thermal Science雜志的編輯很負(fù)責(zé),第二次修改后,編輯自己看了一下我修改的內(nèi)容,覺得修改的很詳細(xì),就沒有送外審了,直接進入終審,三天后錄用;只要稿件質(zhì)量過關(guān),錄用機率很大,如果有好的稿件的話還會投這家期刊!
2020-09-21 11:24:48
軒轅*** :
Journal of Thermal Science雜志編輯部效率很高,中間發(fā)郵件詢問,也很迅速得到回復(fù),編輯部的老師們很有耐心,在此大贊一下。最后再次感謝Journal of Thermal Science雜志各位老師的辛苦付出!謝謝。
2020-01-16 08:51:25
萬俟*** :
2019-12-19 05:13:29